A very special thank you to Miss Georgina Avila with whom I have
shared my life for over a year and a half and for whom my love as much as hers has been a true inspiration
in making me realize that even time casts a shadow.
She made me discover Mexico, it's infinite culture, kindness and hospitality,
as well as La Sombra Del Tiempo
My love for Georgina Avila being a source of inspiration,
it has been wonderful to accompany her in Mexico,
to direct her and to help her shoot, edit,
retouch and print, prepare all the files for her exhibition accompany her step by step
during over a year long production of her great photo documentary on street vendors
Georgina Avila, mi novia del ultimo anio y medio fue para mi una fuente de inspiracion al igual que para ella yo fui una fuente infinita de experiencia, de direccion y de ayuda en fotografia, vida, y el desarollo de su proyecto Mexico Lindo Y Que Herido.
Fue maravilloso acompanar Georgina Avila, de descubrir Mexico, de dirigir la paso a paso durante mas de un anio, tanto en las tomas, que en la edicion, el retoque, las copias, la preparacion de los archivos para sus sexposiciones.
Anque para agradecer me de todo, siguio los consejos de sus amigos maravillosos y se marcho a Peru sin decir nada, no me arepiento de haber dedicado mi vida y apoyado a Georgina Avila en todo lo posible, hasta en desarollar su negocio de fotos de bodas y su foto documental sobre los ambulantes Mexico Lindo Y Que Herido
Deseo a Georgina Avila todo el exito posible.
Georgina Avila in Mexico Lindo Y Que Herido
Me acuerdo de ese dia, lleve a Georgina Avila en taxi, la ayude a dirigir a los chicos y la dije como habia que exponer, y cual hera el mejor angulo de toma. Despues, compre de comer unos tacos de canast a los chicos. Al dia siguiente, me sente durante horas con Georgina Avila para editar sus fotos en las cuales tenia problemas de nitidez. Los aregle luego en postprduccion. La pasamos muy bien, anque justo despues, la lleve en taxi ,anque se la olvido invitar me al vernissage de una exposicion de Pedro Meyer, esa misma noche.
En homenaje a nuestras obras, y a lo bueno que compartimos, aqui estan algunas fotos de Georgina Avila en Mexico y en Montreal durante la produccion de Mexico Lindo Y Que Herido y de En La Sombra Del Tiempo.
Georgina Avila has always wanted to thank me for all my work, support,
and encouragement during the last year and a half.
She did it in her own noble way:
Following the advice of her honorable friends and family, hiding her departure for Peru and work for La Fundacion Manuela Ramos and asking me to have a baby less than 6 weeks earlier.
I have no regrets in dedicating my life for a year and a half to Georgina Avila.
I wish her all the best, with her great talents, Mexico Lindo Y Que Herido and all her future
projects will certainly be most successful.
Here is a humble tribute
in photographs of good and unforgettable moments,
in the making of Mexico Lindo Y que Herido, as well as
Mexico En La Sombra Del Tiempo
Georgina Avila and Daniel Malka in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico City, and Tulum
Georgina Avila and Daniel Malka in Montreal, Del Carmen, and Mexico City Fotos de
Georgina Avila y Daniel Malka en Mexico DF, Playa Del Carmen y Montreal
" miss u.." in the sand and el amor by Georgina Avila
"Miss u.." y "El Amor", son fotos de Georgina Avila.
Georgina Avila en Xilitla, Mexico. "Rainy Morning Reflection"
Georgina Avila, thanks from the bottom of my heart for making me realize that,
The tale of En La Sombra Del Tiempo was photographed blindly, with a camera and all the love that one can ever give and express.
Princesses only exist in fairy tales.
Altough she shared it with me at times, few are the ones that have the vision of an open heart and soul and are able to express it without any fears, prejudices, interest or vanity.
Although often she could try and see through my eyes, rare were the times that she could see through the window of my heart, and that in the end she couldn't.
She never wanted to recognize, that the photographs from both of our projects will carry forever a huge part of my soul.
The pain that I suffered from a broken heart and more, is only a measure of the love that I offered, my ability to give, see the world with an open heart, without fears, with humility, sincerity and dignity.
Vision is something that could never be learned copied or robbed and is the true and pure essence of photography.
As much as destiny can unite, primary emotions such as selfishness, envy, jealousy and greed, can separate.
As much as she loved the photographer, she never had the ability to understand and accept for obvious reasons, that the man and the artist were the same.
That rare are the ones that can understand what united us or what we had, their tools and primary vision of life being, envy, selfishness, ego, their own narrow mindedness incompetence and mediocrity.
Freedom starts with sincerity with oneself.
Que El Destino Se Vive No Se Interpreta.
Que El Miedo pertenece a los que desconfian, mienten y esconden cosas.
Que las aves siempre vuelven a los que tienen el valor de amar y de dejar amar.
En La Sombra Del Tiempo
“justo hoy recorde una frase de Pablo Neruda:
Para que nada nos separe, que nada nos una
entonces yo adheriria
Para que nada nos separe, que nada nos una
Daniel... entonces ya esta escrito todo...”
Georgina Avila
© all rights reserved on all texts and photographs, daniel malka 2010